PDU Dispatcher

RFC 2262

2.1. The Dispatcher.

The Dispatcher is a key piece of an SNMP engine. There is only one in an SNMP engine, and its job is to dispatch tasks to the multiple version-specific Message Processing Models, and to dispatch PDUs to various applications.

For outgoing messages, an application provides a PDU to be sent, plus the data needed to prepare and send the message, and the application specifies which version-specific Message Processing Model will be used to prepare the message with the desired security processing. Once the message is prepared, the Dispatcher sends the message.

For incoming messages, the Dispatcher determines the SNMP version of the incoming message and passes the message to the version-specific Message Processing Model to extract the components of the message and to coordinate the processing of security services for the message. After version-specific processing, the PDU Dispatcher determines which application, if any, should receive the PDU for processing and forwards it accordingly.

The Dispatcher, while sending and receiving SNMP messages, collects statistics about SNMP messages and the behavior of the SNMP engine in managed objects to make them accessible to remote SNMP entities. This document defines these managed objects, the MIB module which contains them, and how these managed objects might be used to provide useful management.

The following illustration depicts the Message Processing in relation to SNMP applications, the Security Subsystem and Transport Mappings.

   | SNMP Entity                                                       |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Applications                                                  | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification |                               | |
   | | | Generator |  | Originator   | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Proxy     | | Other         | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Forwarder | |Application(s)|| |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | | Responder |  | Receiver     |                               | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |        ^                ^               ^           ^             |
   |        |                |               |           |             |
   |        v                v               v           v             |
   |        +--------+-------+---------------+-----------+             |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |    +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |                 |    | Message Processing  |  | Security        | |
   | Dispatcher      v    | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem       | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher   | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other       | | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model       | | |
   | | Message          | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <-------->+                  |  |                 | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based  | | |
   | | Transport        | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | | Mapping          | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model       | | |
   | | (e.g RFC1906)    | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   |          ^           +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
     |   Network        |

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